Where Have I Been - Part Two - A Year Later! :-D

Back nearly 2 years ago, Feedburner, who was responsible for sending out my blog whenever a new post was written, discontinued their service.  So honestly, it was a bit frustrating to write blogs, knowing that they wouldn't be sent to any subscribers, and would have to just be chanced upon amidst the millions and millions of other blogs and websites. "Sigh!"

During that time, I occasionally looked for a Feedburner alternative, and only recently came across Follow.it - a subscription service that offered to replace the functions of Feedburner, and so much more. You can "follow" or "unfollow" and manage your subscriptions to Barnashram or other sites, very easily! Now, for those wishing to subscribe to the Barnashram Blog can do so without problem, and HOPEFULLY, this will give us more encouragement to write. (Whether you like it or not :-D)

I have also created a Linktr.ee site which can connect you to other aspects of what I'm doing, or send you to our book 'In This Moment' on Amazon, or let you share a donation with us.  

For most people, this probably seems like very little after far too long, but I must admit, my technical skills are for "crap".  Fifty years ago, I actually did some very Basic computer programming. But now, it has far exceeded my understanding and I can barely operate my requiredly ever present cell phone, what to speak of navigating strange websites, links, and all that.  I would much rather sit in the woods with my grandson Odin (as in the photo above).  

But sitting and playing with my grandchildren often encourages ideas to flow, both on how life could and should be, but also on the deeper aspects of Reality and the Transcendental nature of the Self and the Divine and, the one thing we all look toward - Love! And the nature of the world today seems to inspire anything except that. 

Also, I want to encourage you, that should you have a question on my life, your life, life in general, or simply want to reach out - please don't hesitate to do so. I'm here...at least for now.  

with Deep Love



  1. Aja, I am writing this comment realizing, thanks to your teaching, that my inspiration to write it, the writing itself, the computer I am writing on, the clock on the wall beside me, plus the time on the clock on the wall beside me, are all God. I had not thought of that before.

  2. Aja! After having a dream about you the other night, I went to check this website and was very happy to see these new blog posts. I'm now subscribed to the new format. Very nice to see an updated photo of you! With much love, Scott


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