Where is God?
Generally, most people conceive of God as being "in heaven" or up there somewhere in some spiritual domain that is separate from us. (This assumes, of course, that you believe in God or something "God-like".) Many proclaim that "God is with us", but don't really have a clue as to what that means. I think the majority of people don't really even think about it much, sadly.
For the last 50+ years I have been studying God and spirituality, much of it being focused on the Vedic and Eastern philosophies - though not exclusively.
In the Vedic text Sri Isopanisad (verse 5) it proclaims:
tad ejati tan naijati tad dūre tad v antike
tad antar asya sarvasya tad u sarvasyāsya bāhyataḥ
"He moves, He does not move; He is far away, He is very near; He is within everything and He is outside of everything." -
The basic premise is that God is everywhere. How can that be? Because, ultimately, there is nothing but God, and the energies of God, which are non-different than God.
Just like the Earth. Everything on our planet, is nothing BUT the planet. With the possible exception of a few stray meteorites, everything that is here arose from the Earth - the rocks and trees, mountains, valleys, all the birds and bees and critters large and small, all the people including you! It's all just various manifestations of the Earth.
Similarly, it's said that God created the "heavens and the Earth." From what did He create it all? From Himself. In the beginning there was only God, so He created everything from His own energies. Everything is an expansion of the Absolute....IS the Absolute.
So, how then to find God? And how does it relate to us? It's actually relatively simple, though not necessarily easy. God is ever present and one only needs to turn their attention to God, the Absolute. Recognize that everything you see, hear, touch, experience IS God. Right now, as you read this, see it as God. The phone, computer or other device you're reading it on is God. The hands that may be holding it are God. The sounds you are hearing are the Absolute. (In the Gita, Krishna actually says, "I am the sound in ether." Ether being the subtle medium which carries all sound.) Everything you are touching, every thought you have, every emotion you experience is arising from the Absolute - God.
In the Vedic perspective, they say that everything is God's Shakti or energy. However, it also says that God and His Shakti are non-different. Just as the rays of the Sun are non-different from the Sun, everything is non-different from God, the source.
So, the simple part is that God is everything everywhere. The hard part is to remember it or more accurately recognize it. That is the whole crux of the problem. We are distracted by our tendency to name everything as something separate - separate from us, separate from each other, and separate from God. We give it all names to differentiate each thing from the other. Just as a prism separates the one light into the various frequencies of color, our minds separate the One Absolute into the "10,000 things" as the Tao Te Ching calls them.
But everything is simply vibrations - frequencies. The universe is the spectrum of God...all His various energies and frequencies - but all just God. Some of it "higher" and some "lower"; some "good" and some "bad" but all of it God.
Again, the prism separating the various frequencies of the one pure light into various color frequencies. Not good colors and bad colors - just colors. Not good light or bad light - just light.
Nearly every religious or spiritual text speaks of the necessity of continuously remembering the Divine, whether it's "praying ceaselessly" or "Always remember Me". In Bhagavad Gita, for instance, there is at least 8 references to 'constantly', 'always', 'continuously' etc. That is the secret to Self or God Realization - a determined effort.
Perhaps take the opportunity yourself to experiement with it. for just for a little while. Maybe half an hour or even an hour. Try timing it. Simply express to yourself (either verbally or simply in your mind) that everything you become aware of is God - the Absolute - the Divine - whatever you want to call it.
"These hands are God...
"These thoughts are God...
"This reluctance is God...
"Those sounds are God...
"This sensation is God...
"This emotion is God...
Simply immerse yourself in God-ness.
Good Luck and God bless!
Nearly every religious or spiritual text speaks of the necessity of continuously remembering the Divine, whether it's "praying ceaselessly" or "Always remember Me". In Bhagavad Gita, for instance, there is at least 8 references to 'constantly', 'always', 'continuously' etc. That is the secret to Self or God Realization - a determined effort.
Perhaps take the opportunity yourself to experiement with it. for just for a little while. Maybe half an hour or even an hour. Try timing it. Simply express to yourself (either verbally or simply in your mind) that everything you become aware of is God - the Absolute - the Divine - whatever you want to call it.
"These hands are God...
"These thoughts are God...
"This reluctance is God...
"Those sounds are God...
"This sensation is God...
"This emotion is God...
Simply immerse yourself in God-ness.
Good Luck and God bless!
Good one, Aja. The need to know and love God must be innate.