YOU are a Particle and a Wave

"All particles and quantum entities, including humans, have both particle and wave properties." 

I've written about this before, the fact that we - as the "I" - are both a particle and a wave, although I couldn't find where I'd written it, but I came across an interesting reference when I was searching for information on the topic.  The AI reponse was the quote I gave above - that ALL particles and quantum entities, including humans are both particles and waves!!

Basically, I think in most cases the predominant state is as a wave.  For instance, in the well known "double slit" experiment, where photons are passed through either a single slit or a double slit, and the result is that when sent through a double slit, it shows a wave pattern - it only shows a wave pattern when NO ONE is watching.  If someone is watching or observing the experiment, THEN the photon image results from two slits show up as two slits - i.e. particles.  I don't pretend to understand all this, but it lends itself to some wonderful considerations.  In my original post on this, I was specifically making the point that the "I" is both a particle and a wave.  

For instance, do you consider yourself as a particle or a wave?  I know it seems like a strange question, but go with me here.  Now when I'm talking about the "I", or if "you" consider yourself as a particle or wave, I'm NOT talking about the body 'you', but rather that "I" beneath the body, mind, ideas and so forth - in other words that "I" which is the observer of it all.  Hopefully, by now, you at least recognize intellectually, that you are not the body or mind, as we don't say "I body" or "I mind" but rather "my body" and "my mind". We are that which is aware OF the body and the mind.  So THAT'S what we're talking about here.  Is THAT "I" a particle or a wave???     

If we follow along with the double slit experiement, in other words, when no one is "looking", 'you' more or less act as a wave - you're just here/there as Presence.  However, if I ask you where you are, then the first reaction is to assume you are a 'something' and look. Most people will sort of figure that they're in their head, the homunculus or tiny person sitting there looking out through their eyes.  However, if asked to point to themselves, they'll primarily point at their own heart area.  So where are you - your head or your heart?  

Actually, it's only after you begin to really inquire deeply, that you recognize yourself NOT as a tiny person or thing 'somewhere' but rather as the Awareness itself, the non-definable IS-ness, or 'wave' of Consciousness, within which EVERYTHING is arising. This is the nature of Self Realization, to directly experience/recognize that I am Consciousness Itself, or as the Vedas put it - Aham Brahmasmi - I am Brahman.  This is the actual first step in God Realization, and is the whole purpose of life. 

But you are not alone in this.  God too is considered to be both a particle and a wave, so to speak.  The Srimad Bhagavatam tells us: vadanti tat tattvam vidas tattvam yaj jnanam advayam/brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate - "Those who are knowers of the Non-dual Truth, know that the Absolute is known as Brahman (the all pervading light), Paramatma (the localized Godhead), and Bhagavan (the Personality of Godhead).   

So which comes first - God the Person or the Light of God?  This is a question which has been argued over for centuries.  The school within which I was raised (Gaudiya Vaishnavism), states that the Personality of Godhead is original and the cause of all other causes, and that the Brahman is the emanation from the Person of God.  Just as there is the Sun, and the light FROM the Sun, there is God and the light FROM God.  Everything is an emanation and expansion of God the Person. Much like the Biblical - "We are made in God's image." 

Others, generally the advaitins or non-dualists, or impersonalists, don't believe that God is originally a person, but to paraphrase Sri Ramakrishna - God is an infinite ocean, but the love of the devotee solidifies a form of God to appear in that ocean, much like a solid iceberg appears in the liquid ocean.  This view, in my eyes, basically negates the validity of the Personality of Godhead. 

But in either case, the point is that God is an infinite wave of Consciousness and an Individual Consciousness, just as YOU are both an infinitesimal particle of individuated Godhead, and a wave of Consciousness as well.  Right now! In This Moment!  Can you experience that in This Moment? 


हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे 
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे
