What Is Consciousness?

Today, I received an email from a dear friend, who simply wrote, "Could you explain what is consciousness?"   I'm just glad he didn't add "In 25 words or less". :-D  Although, in some ways, you can answer it in 25 words or less - Consciousness IS. Or even What is, IS Consciousness. 

There are a number of ways of looking at consciousness from a "spiritual" perspective. This of course differs from Western science's view of consciousness, within which, many still believe that it is generated by and localized in the brain.   It also depends on how you recognize Consciousness itself - as individualized, all encompassing, Universal, Cosmic, Godhead, etc. 

Everything we experience is consciousness....Period!  We ourselves are consciousness. Anything that we know or conceive of arises in and as consciousness.  Due to consciousness, you are reading this now. Consciousness is reading this now. Our tendency is to say, "I am conscious", but what is the "I" that is conscious?  It is consciousness. 

Now, you could distinguish this in another way.  In Sanskrit, the Absolute/God is defined as being/having the three characteristics of SAT, CHIT, and ANANDA.  SAT is Beingness, Existence, or IS-ness if you will.  Somethiing exists....that's all.  CHIT is Consciousness.  Not only does this something exist, but it has awareness.  And finally, ANANDA translates as bliss, or perhaps more accurately, pleasure or enjoyment.  YOU are also this SAT-CHIT-ANANDA - you exist, you are conscious, and you enjoy. 

So Consciousness is the principle of knowingness.  You might say that SAT is the principle of Presence. You are Presence, and you are Consciousness.  Everything you experience is arising IN and AS Consciousness.  Take the dreamstate. When you are dreaming, there is a YOU and all the things that you are experiencing in that dream - people, places, experiences. But all of them are recognized - once you are awake - as nothing but consciousness in a dream.  Somehow, when our awake mind is involved, we no longer consider that everything we are experiencing is simply consciousness, which it is, but as separate objects that are distinct from us and consciousness.  But they're not.  Imagine in this moment, that you are asleep, and having a lucid dream, recognizing that everything you're aware of is dream consciousness.  So, Consciousness IS everything. It is prior to anything you experience and any component of what you consider you, including the concept of "I".  The "I"-thought is actually also arising in consciousness! 

There is another aspect of Consciousness, which is what is IN consciousness, and our apparent choice as to how we perceive that.  So, we might consider Consciousness as "neutral" - neither good nor bad.  But what we choose to fill that consciousness with or what influences it becomes an expession of that consciousness.  Thus people speak of God Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, etc, as opposed to Material consciousness, Maya/Mayic consciousness, illusory consciousness, bodily consciousness and so forth.  In other words, one is 'filling' their consciousness with thoughts, words, ideas, actions relating to Godly, higher, spiritual, enlightened things, or with "lower", material, temporary and illusory experiences.  The idea being that one raises one's consciousness and the other lowers it.  Of course, consciousness itself can not be raised or lowered - it simply IS.   Although if you think of it as something like water or space, either could be 'filled' or tainted or pure.  But even there, those things are not changed, it is what is IN them that purifies or pollutes. 

You can also simply Recognize Consciousness as Primordial, Infinite Presence within which EVERYTHING is occuring, all the time.   (See my recent post Where is God? Everwhere.) 

"What is Consciousness?" is also a very powerful question, which can be used as a method of Self Inquiry, rather like "Who am I?"  The very nature of inquiring into, resting or abiding in and as Consciousness points you to the Direct Experience of Consciousness Itself!

I want to add that, "What is Consciousness?" is a HUGE question, and there are many differing views amongst scientists and spiritualists alike.  I'm simply offering one view, which is all any of us can really do.  :-D



  1. Well said, Aja. AI couldn't have said it better. :-)


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